Redox Week in Sendai 2025

Call for Abstract

Deadline of Call for Abstracts:
February 28 (Fri), 2025

Type of Presentation

  • Plenary Lectures and Symposia including Rising Star Session by Invited Speakers
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation

Travel Award

An applicant must:

  • be undergraduate or graduate student as of April 21(Mon), 2025.
  • be pre-registered for the Congress and complete the payment of registration fee by the deadline of abstract submission.
  • submit your CV(PDF of WORD format) when you submit an abstract. Any style of CV is acceptable.
  • obtain a visa for entering Japan prior to the Congress, if necessary.

*Please select “Apply” when you submit an abstract.

Submission Procedures

The presenting authors must submit abstracts by themselves.

Click the "Go to Abstract Submission page" button on this page. We recommend you to register early, for the online submission system is likely to be heavily accessed as the deadline approaches.

Applicants registering for the first time are requested to make a new account entering their personal information first.

Read and follow the instruction on the screens, and fill in the required fields. The items you are required to fill in are as follows:

  • Presenting author's personal information
  • Name of authors (no more than 20 authors), affiliated institutions (no more than 15 institutions)
  • Type of presentation (Oral/Poster/Either)
  • Application for Travel Award
  • Title of presentation (should be less than 30 words)
  • Abstract body
    - It should be less than 300 words without figures or tables.
    - Do not include the title, names and institutions of authors.
    - It should NOT contain figure or table.

After finishing abstract submission, you will receive "notification message" to your registered e-mail address (ID) for confirmation. If you do not receive such an e-mail within 24 hours, please contact the Congress Management Office.

Modify and update your abstract

You can change/modify your abstract until the deadline of abstract submission by logging in to the Abstract Submission page.

After the deadline of the abstract submission, no modifications, changes, or additions whatsoever to the abstract body, authors (either first author or co-authors), or affiliations are permitted.

Please take great care to ensure that no mistakes are made before your submission.

Notification of acceptance

The final decision to accept or reject the submitted abstracts will be made by the Organizing Committee. A notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to each presenter by e-mail in March 2025.

Personal Information Protection

Registered personal information is used only for the conference.

The information is protected and securely saved with necessary security.

For inquiries

Congress Management Office